The Královka Sports Hall, nad Královskou oborou in Prague – Bubenec, will belong on 21st-25th August to Majorettes Sport. The start of each competition day is always at 9am. At the start, three thousand majorettes will take turns in five days, in twenty disciplines and four age categories.
Majorettes have long been balancing between culture and sport. The original march step was gradually replaced by elements of dance sport, modern gymnastics, ballet, have improved movement training, choreography and compulsory work with equipment.The largest representation has a stick (baton) but also a fringe (pom-pom), the interest has gained flag(banner). Newly mace is classified. (Mace is a type of weapon that is rarely used today for real combat (fighting), but its replicas serve as a symbol of authority in festive ceremonies.) In the eastern countries, the name of bulava is used, the commander’s mace of the Cossack´s county representative, The mace in connection with the Jan Žižka picture is known in our country, editor´s note.)
MajorettesSport is a non-Olympic sport and belongs to girls aged from the age of 8, upper, fourth age category is unlimited. Typical colorful and glittering costumes, including headwear, mostly in the form of a garrison capor its imitation, to those adapted costumes and make-ups, are typical for majorettes. The footwear covers the whole foot, for the older girls are prescribed high-boots (ladies´ high boots).
The largest expedition is made by domestic majorettes. In the Czech Republic, this sport is very popular, it has an increasing tendency. Prague is a beautiful city, by transport available, so the championship also is held just here. The Majorettes from Poland, Slovakia, Russia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Belarus, but also from Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan will take part(this year for the first time the Asia Championship took place). Participation in this non-Olympic sport is directly dependent on the financial capabilities of clubs andon time issuing of visa and arranging of other necessities.
All five competition days will be possible to be watched via the Internet, co called live broadcasting(on-line stream), available at, live broadcast on August 24th at CT Sport. On this station, also a record from the entire competitionwill be broadcast.
The championship is held with financial support and sponsorship of the Prague City Hall and under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
Photo: M. Šach, AF