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Start lists
Stream |
Photo |
21.08. |
1 day | 1 day |
22.08. |
2 day | 2 day |
23.08. |
3 day | 3 day |
24.08. |
4 day | 4 day |
25.08. |
5 day | 5 day |
Joint performances for majorettes at national and international competitions
Hooray majorettes, the song was first performed at the World Championship Majorettes Sport, Prague, 2017 (words by Richard Wagner, musical adaptation of KAPRON for music service s.r.o.). Choreography for the joint performances was prepared by Mrs. Hana Šimková, Basic Art School Jirkov, CZ, video recording was made by
Ondřej Veselý. The choreography is for all age categories and it is made for the baton and pom-pom.
A lot of joy in training!
Poster and Programme
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