Sport “SHOCK” – collection of educational programs on days VII. Grand Prix of Moscow. Saturday, 17.11. 2018 took part II, from 09:00 h – 21:00 h , continues
a) Majorettes, Monika Bergerová
b) Baton Twirling Yonatan Orlov
c) Baton Twirling Jean Michel Ruell
d) Together IFMS+WBTF
Saturday, as well as Friday, was dominated by Mrs. Monika Berger and her overseer member of the club Náchod: Monika Hejčlová, Alena Ouředníková, Nora Kordíková, Valerie Kordíková, Adéla Černá
The girls demonstrated elements according to the Majorette sport rules. It was really challenging.