The World Championship is just around the corner
This year, the ninth year of the World Majorette Championship, is being held in a year when the threat of the pandemic does not end, part of Europe is in a state of war, inflation, price increases…, but also in the year of the twentieth anniversary of the first Czech Majorette Championship or in the year of the bicentenary of the birth of the father of genetics, Gregor Johann Mendel. Just as Gregor Johann Mendel is the father of genetics, Jiří Necid is the father of the majorette sport. The birthplace (birthhouse) of the father of genetics is in Hynčice (a local part of the village of Vrážné) and the birthplace of majorette sport is in Hranice, only about 12 km from the geneticist’s birthplace. The land register is Hynčice in the Moravian-Silesian Region, and the Moravian-Silesian Region can boast the highest number of majorette clubs and female competitors.
Twenty years of majorette sport development has shown that giving children and youth, mainly girls, a new impulse, filling their free time with repeated, regular exercise, comparing their performances with rivals and competing for what is lacking, what is not available to everyone, makes sense.
Preparations for the competition do not end, the opening song will be played in a few days. Hopefully the representatives of the clubs and their wards, as well as the organizers, will not be surprised by anything and everything will be as it should be. It will be a challenging three days. The number of formations is at the limit of possible capacity, so the disciplines and age categories are well filled, the referees are experienced.
Hopefully the audience will respect the hall’s strict operating rules and not complicate the organizers’ work; it is not allowed to bring drinks in open containers, food, this also applies to the changing rooms and for putting feet on the seats. Maybe it’s strict, but the hall has been all right since 2016, when we were there for the first time.
The WCH start lists contain 437 start numbers and the WMC 148 start numbers, the number of disciplines at the WCH is 43 and the WMC is 21, there are 1,700 unique female competitors, and 198 cups are prepared.
The Czech Republic has the largest representation, although it is at home, but it has become a majorette sports power; no other country has such a number of female competitors, in so many disciplines and age categories. The power of Czech majorettes is admirable, and our wish is that there should be such a number of majorettes in all countries of the world.
The competition itself is the best textbook of majorette sport.