The Seminar for Polish Trainers and Majorettes held on 18 March in Opole was very well prepared. Working with a smaller group of girls is more effective. A nice surprise also contributed to the fact that all the girls were well prepared and tried to get the most out of it. The effect in front of the practical part was the theoretical training, which was led by the chief judge of ČFMS, the expert on rules, Monika Bergerová.
Mrs. Berger used the lessons learned from the trainings abroad. The theoretical part was attended not only by girls, coaches and some of the Polish judges, but also by the president of Poland’s majorettes Stanislaw Rewienski. The Polish Majorettes are at a very good level,
both in terms of movement and in the work with equipement. Choreographies and performances of some of the groups can will be very
good competition in international comparison. I am happy to help to better performance and interested in the activities about the Majorettes. I believe we will see you at the World Championship in Prague.
Bc. Anna Bergerová