
The competiton in Chotěbor will also be a training session for international majorette sport referees

The competiton in Chotěbor will also be a training session for international majorette sport referees Závod v Chotěboři bude zároveň tréninkem pro mezinárodní rozhodčí mažoretkového sportu: * trénink probíhá v atmosféře specifické, reálné soutěže * hodnotí dvě výkonnostní třídy A a B, což je příprava na MS versus WMC nebo ECH versus EMC hodnocení * […]

The competiton in Chotěbor will also be a training session for international majorette sport referees Read More »

New model of international referee training

New model of international referee training 18.-19.03.2023 is prepared The process of training referees is a constantly repeated activity and places demands on both the lecturer and the audience. The best textbook is the competitions themselves, of course also the learned knowledge of the rules. “Education” of a new referee is a lengthy process, the deployed referee

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WCHMS a WMC 27. 8. 2022

WCHMS a WMC 26. 8. 2022 On Saturday, 27.08. already took place III. WMC with its varied program and sometimes surprising performances. The competition ended with the oldest age category, grand senior, and its winners performed in the final exhibition V sobotu, 27.08. se konal již III. WMC se svým pestrým programem a někdy i

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WCHMS 26. 8. 2022

WCHMS 26. 8. 2022 Friday’s early evening belonged to the live broadcast, in which this time even the youngest contestants with fringes were included. In terms of performance, they are still far from reaching the level of the oldest, but their passion for this sport is admirable. While outside there was a heavy storm that

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WCHMS 25. 8. 2022

WCHMS 25. 8. 2022 Good starts, sporting successes and spectator experiences are the expectations for today and the following days. The previous years did not favor the development of sports, this year is marked by the never-ending threat of the covid pandemic, war in Eastern Europe, inflation and price increases… All the more admiration goes

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Federation of sport majorettes and baton twirling Kyrgyz Republic

Federation of sport majorettes and baton twirling Kyrgyz Republic Да, мы очень хотели поехать на соревнования в Прагу. Пришли новые дети, мы долго тренировались и хотели показать свои результаты. Хотели увидеть коллег, друзей, единомышленников. Когда посещаещь Чемпионат Мира по спортивным мажореткам наполняешься какой-то мощью, частью которой ты являешься. Получаешь такую сильную мотивацию, что хочется двигаться

Federation of sport majorettes and baton twirling Kyrgyz Republic Read More »

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